Our thoughts
Here you will find our latest blog posts. Expect to read thoughts on the latest news happening within our communities.

Regional Voices Project - A Different Perspective
Reflections on our first focus group for ‘A Different Perspective’ as part of the Plymouth Cultural Investment Fund.

'Thoughts from R&D residency in Gloucester: Navigating the Grey'
Sonia shares what they learnt from our week-long residency in Gloucester, courtesy of Strike a Light. The week was an R&D (research and development) for a show that Beyond Face is creating for young people to tour around schools in the South-West.

The artists and the flowers - What we can learn from nature
Reflecting on how nature impacts our livelihoods and what we learn throughout our Green Minds project with Plymouth Council.

Dream, Despite That…
Gracia from our ‘Despite That…’ co-creator South Roots International shares her thoughts on how the project has impacted her thoughts.